Friday, November 12, 2010

On the Way!

When Felix Fabri left for Jerusalem, he traveled by horse and boat. I'm heading off on an airplane from St. Louis, but I bet the excitement is the same.

Fabri says that as his party was entering Venice by boat (where they would get a pilgrim galley to sail them to Jerusalem), they started singing the German pilgrim hymn, "In Gottes Namen Fahren Wir". They also (in his imagined pilgrimage, the Sionpilger, sang a response, In mari via tua.

Here, you can read the German hymn, and here you can listen to the Oxford Consort Iridiana sing In mari via tua. Both are going through my head right now, as I bet they were for Felix as he set out.

More later!


  1. I must say poor Felix, Lucky, Dr. Beebe, the things you see and the things Felix saw are so different. The journey Felix took in my mind is pictured like the journey on "Kingdom Heaven" minus the boat sinking. Yours is a journey taken by plane and technology bonded.

  2. The technology we have today is amazing compared to Felix's time. Instead of having to take months to years to go across the Atlantic, it only takes hours.

  3. I really like your trip to the Garden of Gethsemene and how you could still hear the traffic around the corner. I wouldn’t typically expect to hear traffic sounds when in such a holy spot. It just goes to show that no matter how sacred a place is people still have things to do.
